From family homes to the workplace, our awareness of and responsibility for the impact we have on the environment is more prominent now than ever before.

We each have a duty of care to the planet we share, and at KK Fine Foods, this is something that influences many of our day-to-day practices. Through careful energy management that is consciously geared towards electricity, water and gas reduction, we aim to be as energy efficient as possible.

 So how exactly are we instigating this positive change? Well, we are doing it in a number of ways:

1.     Sensor Taps

Through improved reliability and flow-pressure control, Sensor Taps result in approximately 50-60% savings on handwash water consumption; an investment we believe is worth making.

2.     Sensor Lights

Again, there is a significant energy saving benefit to Sensor Lights with an estimated 65% saving on electricity consumption for lighting in cold storage areas.

3.     Improvements in Steam Supply

KK are transitioning to Gem Steam Traps, which are set to improve both cost efficiency and energy output significantly in the long term.

4.     Waterless Urinals

Switching to waterless urinals will result in a 100% saving on toilet water consumption within this area.

In addition to the above, KK’s environmental committee have monthly energy meetings with an external energy efficiency company, who keep us on track with our vision and progress. There is also a dedicated KK Green Team, who are aiming to gain the ISO 14001 environmental accreditation in 2022; an objective that requires a focused team effort from all areas within the business. 

Beyond the inner workings of KK, we also continue to connect with employees to establish a working culture that is environmentally conscious and in line with our eco-ethics. We are working towards being a single use plastic-free zone and are encouraging employees to bring in their own water receptacles by installing free water stations throughout the building.

Environmental awareness is something that guides our mission and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future - together, we can influence and ultimately instigate positive change.